
Traditional Chinese medicine for patients with PKD

The patient comes from Jiangsu province; As we know, PKD is an inherited disease, his father and mother have this disease.
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With time past and age, the belly is growing bigger, and sore back and so forth, because the cysts have grown big. He was visited a lot of hospital to treat his illness because no results. It is very sad, one day his daughter contacted my doctor on the Internet, and after a few days he decided to come to our hospital.

When he came to our hospital, our doctors and experts made precise inspection, and his right kidney is 261 * 136 * 105mm and the left kidney is 264 * 154 * 116mm; The maximum kidney size of the right kidney is 75 * 51mm and the left is 91 * 66mm.
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After the inspections, we know his condition and he diagnosed PKD; And then our medicines and experts formulated a complete treatment for him, called Toxins-Removal Treatment, including: Foot Bath, Maikang Mix, Medicine Bath and so on. Because the active ingredients of Chinese medicine can be transported into the morbid focus to accelerate blood microcirculation and increase the pressure inside and outside the cysts so that the cyst fluid can run off. As a result, kidney cysts decline naturally. In addition, certain therapies used in the treatment of Toxin-withdrawal may help inhibit abnormal proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells and secretion of lining cells. After days, its symptoms are gone, and maximal cyst of the right kidney is 74 * 56mm; Maximum left kidney cyst is 90 * 63mm. They are very happy, and said that: my body is getting better and better in our hospital, we wish that he can adhere to treat, so his disease condition can greatly improve to come.

