
Patients with kidney failure diet attention to what

With the continuous development of social and economic progress and people's living standards continue to improve, our medical technology has been significantly improved. But on the other hand, the patient's dietary conditioning after discharge is also crucial. Many patients with renal failure and family members of patients after discharge diet conditioning is not very clear, this article to tell us about kidney failure diet conditioning.

1, the supply of quality protein:

Uremic patients with a minimum protein requirement of 0.5 g / kg body weight per day, of which more than 50% quality protein, the only way to maintain the physiological functions of various organs of the body. When the patient renal function in the early and mid-term damage stage, that glomerular filtration rate (GFR)> 25 ml / min or so, the protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day is about 0.6 grams is appropriate, and must make up the heat.

2, low salt low sodium:

Chronic renal failure patients with hypertension and edema, to limit the sodium and sodium-rich foods, if necessary, with a salt-free diet. When using diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should not be limited to sodium, but the amount should be based on the specific circumstances of eating sodium.

3, chronic renal failure, high potassium, potassium foods should be limited to avoid eating fruit juice, careful selection of vegetables and fruits.
4, the supply of high calcium low phosphorus diet:
In some patients with chronic renal failure, there may be elevated serum phosphorus and calcium decreased the phenomenon, and thus induced osteoporosis. The ideal diet should increase calcium content to reduce phosphorus content. Calcium-rich foods are milk, green leafy vegetables, sesame and so on. Cooking fish and lean meat, boiled about to fish out, and then stir-fried, can reduce the fish, meat phosphorus content.

5, to maintain water balance:

Water balance in patients with chronic renal failure is very important. Chronic renal failure is caused by how the amount of liquid into the amount to be determined according to discharge. Be sure to under the guidance of a doctor, the liquid supplement to prevent excessive water intake, discharge obstacles, and increased swelling.

6, vitamin supplements

Chronic renal failure must be added vitamin preparations, chronic renal failure due to the merger of patients with digestion and malnutrition, vitamin supplementation with food has been unable to meet the body's metabolic needs.

The above is about the regulation of renal failure diet introduced, the other is the need to pay attention to such diseases, diet care is actually the key, first, patients with renal failure to maintain a happy mood, optimistic attitude towards the disease, appropriate exercise, I believe can be effective Relieve the occurrence of the disease. At the same time, each of us should also develop a reasonable law of health habits, to maintain good health.

