
Kidney cysts to do so careful to affect the treatment of renal cysts blind letter recipe

Patients suffering from renal cysts due to fear or because of long treatment and blind treatment, which makes the patient into the renal cyst treatment errors. Most patients believe that remedies and other treatment to make the condition worse, resulting in irreversible consequences. Because there is no obvious symptoms of renal cysts, so we often do not find the disease. And some people because there is no related to do some homework, so the understanding of renal cysts there are some errors. Many people will because of these errors and affect their own treatment, let's look at these errors!

Misunderstanding 1: the blind use of hormone therapy delay the disease
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At present, some advertisements promised to short-term cure renal cysts, in fact, this is the treatment of renal cysts errors. Because their treatment of renal cysts mainly with hormones and immunosuppressive therapy, the beginning of the treatment phase effect is very obvious, it is because hormones and immunosuppressive agents can ease the progress of autoimmunity. But hormones and immunosuppressive agents can not fundamentally solve the cause of renal cysts, but may be due to interference with the immune system and the more the more chaotic treatment.

Myth: mood swings
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Depressed reclusive, impulsive self-injury, in a large number of complex negative emotions easy to form a depression, tired of treatment, to give up all measures of the "broken pot broke" behavior, almost self-mutilation or suicide.

Myth: Female patients can not have children

Renal cyst is a genetic disease, so many people think that patients with renal cysts can not get married and can not have children, which caused kidney cyst patients a lot of psychological pressure. Although some patients the child will appear renal cysts, but does not explain the renal cyst patients can not have children, as long as the young female patients with renal cysts in stable condition, normal renal function, under the guidance of a doctor can give birth.

Misunderstanding 2: contrary to doctor's orders stolen good salt, monosodium glutamate

Due to dietary restrictions caused by food tasteless, poor appetite, which in violation of doctorate stolen good salt, monosodium glutamate, resulting in exacerbations, curative effect repeated.

Misunderstanding 3: blindly believe that the prescription misuse of drugs delay the disease

Recipe is the treatment of renal cysts errors. Especially in remote mountainous areas of patients on the recipe convinced. Experts say there are a lot of deceptive publicity, saying that there are ancestral secret, so that patients have a hope. Renal cyst patients often because of the economy, or in the formal treatment is not very good when the blind to seek the so-called "remedies" treatment. In the absence of regular hospital experts under the guidance of rush to take remedies, often more harm than good.

Myth: free diet does not affect the condition and efficacy

Due to dietary restrictions caused by food tasteless, poor appetite, which in violation of doctorate stolen good salt, monosodium glutamate, resulting in exacerbations, curative effect repeated.

Misunderstanding 4: medical treatment more eager

Often changing treatment and drugs, easy to take or spend money, and delay the treatment of the disease.

Misunderstanding 5: methods should not be

Renal cyst is the main cause of renal fibrosis, many patients often use surgical methods to reduce the cyst on the kidney oppression, but the results are often unsatisfactory, unable to control the process of renal fibrosis, renal function decreased, in addition, some patients Accompanied by symptoms of hypertension, blindly with antihypertensive therapy, the result increased the burden on the kidneys.

Misunderstanding 6: Psychological and medical behavior is the "misunderstanding"

Patients due to the duration of long disease, and often appear disease - treatment - recurrence - re - treatment - recurrence - re - treatment - delayed healing or deterioration, patients often psychological and medical behavior on the various "errors.

Myth: the symptoms before treatment

Most patients with renal cysts are waiting until the symptoms are more obvious when they think of going to hospital for treatment, such as unexplained low back pain, nausea and vomiting, in fact, this time the degree of renal fibrosis has been very serious kidney damage has been great kidney cyst Can cause kidney failure, uremia and other diseases, so need to do early detection and early treatment.

