
Renal cyst infection, renal cyst damage secondary to the emergence of secondary infection how to treat

Cyst secondary infection, the patient showed chills, fever, low back pain, may also have urinary frequency, urgency or dysuria, blood culture positive, urine culture can also be positive.

What types of renal cysts?

1, adult-type renal cysts
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Adult renal cyst is a congenital hereditary disease, renal parenchyma is filled with countless sizes and the outside world is not connected to the round renal cyst. Manifested as increased nocturia, low back pain, high blood pressure. Urine examination has hematuria, a small amount of proteinuria, often slow to develop into chronic renal failure. 10% of people associated with kidney stones, 30% of people associated with polycystic liver disease. Experienced doctors with B ultrasound, intravenous pyelography can be diagnosed.

2, simple renal cysts

May be a congenital anomaly is unilateral or bilateral kidney and has one or several different sizes of the circle and the outside world is not connected to the cavity, mostly unilateral, it is called simple renal cyst. The incidence can be increased at any age, 50 years of age to do B-ultrasound, 50% can be found in this cyst. With B-ultrasound, CT can be diagnosed.

3, access to renal cysts

Mainly due to uremia or dialysis after treatment occurred. Independent of age, and with the time of hemodialysis. Kidneys had no renal cyst, according to the literature, dialysis for more than 3 years, most patients will appear cysts. It is a kidney with at least four cysts, some cysts can be infected, or even cancer, B-or CT examination can be diagnosed.

Some patients may be due to the cyst itself and intracystic pressure, infection and the following symptoms:

Renal cyst secondary infection these symptoms

① waist, abdominal discomfort or pain: The reason is due to kidney enlargement and expansion, so that increased renal capsule tension, renal pedicle is pulled, or caused by the adjacent organs under pressure. In addition, the kidneys due to polycystic water content, become heavy, falling traction, can also cause lower back pain. Pain is characterized by dull pain, dull pain, fixed on one or both sides of the lower and lower back radiation. If intracapsular hemorrhage or secondary infection, then the pain suddenly intensified. Such as the merger of stones or bleeding after clot blocking the urinary tract, there may be renal colic.

② hematuria: can be expressed as microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria. Seizure was cyclical. Attack low back pain often exacerbated, strenuous exercise, trauma, infection can be induced or aggravated. Bleeding because there are many arteries below the wall, due to increased pressure or infection, so that the wall of blood vessels due to excessive stretch and rupture of bleeding.

③ abdominal mass: sometimes the main reason for the treatment of patients, 60-80% can reach the swelling of the kidneys. The larger the kidney, the worse the renal function.

④ proteinuria: the general amount of small, 24-hour urine will not exceed 2 grams, it will not happen nephrotic syndrome.

⑤ hypertension: solid cyst compression of the kidney, resulting in renal ischemia, increased secretion of renin, causing high blood pressure. In normal renal function, more than 50% of patients with hypertension, renal dysfunction, the higher the incidence of hypertension.

⑥ renal dysfunction: due to cyst compression, mass, the normal renal tissue significantly reduced renal function decline.

Renal cyst secondary infection how to treat?
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The CT value of CT showed that the CT value of the cyst was higher than that of the non-infected cyst, the wall of the cyst was thickened, and the posterior wall of the capsule was enhanced by the injection of the angiographic contrast agent. Cysts located in the kidney, the lower pole or lateral margin, in the B-guided or CT-guided puncture aspiration cyst fluid to send routine examination and bacterial culture, with saline flush cysts.

General puncture suction temperature can drop, every 2 to 3 days again puncture washing, until the cyst fluid clear, body temperature dropped to normal.

At the same time the application of effective antibiotics, should consider the drug's cyst penetration: penicillins, aminoglycosides and cephalosporin antibiotics easy access from the proximal nephron cyst, difficult to enter the distal nephron cyst.

The erythromycin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, clindamycin, TMP are easy access to proximal and distal nephron cysts. If repeated puncture cysts with antibiotics, intravenous antibiotics usually 2 to 3 weeks to control the infection. If the cyst can not puncture the effective antibiotics to take 8 weeks or more to control.

Patients due to the duration of long disease, and often appear disease - treatment - recurrence - re - treatment - recurrence - re - treatment - delayed healing or deterioration, patients often psychological and medical behavior on the various "errors.

Myth: the symptoms before treatment

Most patients with renal cysts are waiting until the symptoms are more obvious when they think of going to hospital for treatment, such as unexplained low back pain, nausea and vomiting, in fact, this time the degree of renal fibrosis has been very serious kidney damage has been great kidney cyst Can cause kidney failure, uremia and other diseases, so need to do early detection and early treatment.

