
Polycystic kidney disease diet need to pay attention to what

In recent years, often through various channels to hear the word polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease is a kidney disease, the main symptoms of this disease is hematuria, abdominal mass, abdominal pain, if patients pay attention to their own lives in the diet It will cause a lot of physical damage, polycystic kidney disease need to pay attention to what.
What Foods Are Good for PKD Patients

1, high-protein foods: each kidney disease, should be low-protein diet, to avoid the synthesis of nitrogen metabolites in the body to reduce renal excretion. Such as soybeans, tofu, and other legumes.

2, visceral food: animal offal made of cooked food is not suitable for patients with polycystic kidney disease, especially animal liver, a Chinese message, what to eat, make up what, in fact not the case, killing a lot of toxins left in the animal process Liver, kidney, liver, liver function is detoxification, a lot of animal metabolism of toxins are left in the internal organs, if the patient taking these substances invisible to the kidney increased burden, aggravate the condition.

3, polycystic kidney disease need to pay attention to what kidney experts suggest that patients should refuse to drink. Alcohol: alcohol, especially white wine, in terms of patients with polycystic kidney disease should quit, alcohol and kidney irritation is important. It stimulates polycystic activity and accelerates cyst growth.
The Suitable Diet for PKD Patients

4, polycystic kidney disease patients should refuse to eat harmful to the treatment of cysts conducive to the growth of food. Prohibit the consumption of fermented food (mainly mold fermented food) such as rotten eggs, fermented bean curd; prohibit high-protein foods, to avoid the body to avoid the synthesis of nitrogen metabolites, reduce renal excretion; prohibit drinking alcoholic drinks, especially Is alcohol, because alcohol on polycystic kidney disease in patients with kidney stimulation is very important, can stimulate the activity of polycystic protein, accelerate the growth of cysts; prohibited consumption of chocolate and coffee.

These are the experts to pay attention to what polycystic kidney disease, these symptoms can easily be overlooked, hoping to see the patients to note that in life must be strictly abide by the warning experts, as soon as possible our physical health. In this hope that if you find the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease, be sure to early as possible to the regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Chronic renal failure diet attention

Renal failure is part of the loss of renal function of the pathological state or all lost, acute and chronic renal failure are divided, the following article describes the chronic renal failure diet considerations and remedies.

Chronic Renal Failure Diet Considerations

Chronic renal failure suitable food to eat:
Kidney Failure Patients Should Eat Less Hami melon

1, should pay attention to ensure adequate calories and adequate essential amino acids. Specific to each patient's protein intake should be based on the muscle clearance rate of flexibility to master.

2, Adhere to high-quality low-protein diet, low phosphorus, low salt, high heat; avoid exacerbating factors, suitable for cold temperature, avoid cold; avoid exogenous, infection, diet.

Chronic renal failure is not suitable for food:

(1) avoid high purine food: such as animal offal, seafood, spinach, mushrooms, etc., beer is also bogey, which can reduce uric acid excretion.

(2) caution with various types of health care products: chronic renal failure is not Chinese medicine, said the "kidney" can not be applied to kidney treatment of chronic renal failure drugs on the market a wide range of various types of health products and supplements, the best at arm's length.

(3) avoid spicy spicy food: such as pepper, pepper, pepper, curry, garlic and other easy to "get angry" goods, allspice, aniseed, toon, parsley and other "fat", because these foods easily lead to blood pressure Increased, causing inflammation of the throat, but also cause allergies.

(4) pay attention to low-salt diet: to maintain a low-salt diet, the salt itself is no damage to the kidneys, but eat more salt, drinking water will increase accordingly, increased blood volume, increased edema, hypertension and cardiac load, which is not conducive to the disease, So edema, high blood pressure patients to low-salt diet, especially those who have edema, to 3 grams per day is appropriate.

(5) Shen eat high potassium foods: high potassium can inhibit heartbeat, severe cases can lead to cardiac arrest, potassium mainly by food intake, excretion by the kidneys from the urine, renal dysfunction, reduced excretion, will cause hyperkalemia , So high potassium foods should not eat. Such as: bananas, oranges, MSG, soy sauce, potatoes, mustard, mushrooms, fungus, seaweed, dates, lotus seeds, almonds, ham, scallops, shrimp and so on.
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(6) reasonable control of protein intake: refers to the body of patients to meet the basic requirements of the protein, under the premise of minimizing protein intake, in order to minimize the burden on the kidneys. According to the study: chronic renal failure patients a day intake of protein suitable for the amount of 0.5 to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. In general, half a catty of milk a day, an egg, a two lean meat is necessary, high protein diet can increase the nitrogen, and protein intake can cause malnutrition, may also lead to increased creatinine.

Suffering from polycystic kidney disease should be treated

How should polycystic kidney disease treatment? Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, for people's injuries are particularly serious. Suffering from this disease, the family should be checked whether suffering from polycystic kidney disease, should also be treated as soon as possible, then how should the treatment of polycystic kidney disease? Here we come to a simple look.
Differences Between Chinese Medicine Treatment And Western Medicine Treatment for PKD Patients

Treatment of pain in some patients the pain was a transient, can be observed. An analgesic is less effective if the pain persists or is heavier than an analgesic. If the pain is severe, analgesics can not be mitigated and affect the patient's life, surgery can be considered carefully.

Second, there is bleeding cysts and urinary tract connected to a certain extent that is bleeding to break the human urinary tract, excreted, there is no need to pay attention to the treatment of hemorrhage, there are three kinds of bleeding: intracapsular hemorrhage, patients with sudden pain, but no visible hematuria; Gross hematuria; Third, renal capsule hemorrhage, large, no hematuria, blood pressure can be reduced. In addition to positive for hematuria causes such as increased cysts, high blood pressure, urinary tract infection and urinary tract stones and other treatment, the bed rest is very important, commonly used hemostatic effect is not, or even the formation of blood clots, resulting in urinary tract obstruction or Induced infection. A very small number of patients with large blood loss need blood transfusion therapy. Has been hemodialysis patients such as recurrent hematuria, should use small molecules or heparin-free dialysis. For a large amount of bleeding, medical treatment ineffective, may be carefully considered surgery.
How to Improve The Illness Condition for PKD Patients

Treatment III Hypertension Hypertension is a risk factor for impairment of renal function, should be effectively monitored, the treatment target is 130 / 80mmHg. Useful antihypertensive agents include angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARB), calcium channel blockers, B blockers, central hypotensive drugs and diuretics Agents, antihypertensive drug compatibility and general high blood pressure is basically the same.

Above is "suffering from polycystic kidney disease should be how to treat" the introduction, we are not have a certain understanding of it. The majority of patients with friends on their own health attention, early detection and timely to the regular hospital for treatment.


Patients with polycystic kidney disease diet suggestions

Suffering from polycystic kidney disease patients, with the treatment at the same time, be sure to pay attention to their diet, diet and treatment combined with each other to make the condition better recovery, with a healthy body, the following is polycystic kidney disease patients should Eat more food, I hope you patients to adopt!
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Patients with polycystic kidney disease should eat, eat food:

1, with high vitamin fruit and vegetables.

2, iron-rich fruits and vegetables, such as carrots and so on.

3, can accommodate fossil vegetable food, such as black fungus and so on.

4, a diuretic effect of food.

5, alkaline food is also taking more, can play a supporting role in the treatment.
How Can We Know That Polycystic Kidney Disease Is Getting Worse

The above is on the polycystic kidney disease diet matters, I hope these patients can bring help to patients. In daily life if the symptoms of polycystic kidney disease, to timely treatment, so as not to get control of the disease. Effective treatment with a reasonable diet, in order to have a healthy body!

Patients with kidney failure diet attention to what

With the continuous development of social and economic progress and people's living standards continue to improve, our medical technology has been significantly improved. But on the other hand, the patient's dietary conditioning after discharge is also crucial. Many patients with renal failure and family members of patients after discharge diet conditioning is not very clear, this article to tell us about kidney failure diet conditioning.

1, the supply of quality protein:

Uremic patients with a minimum protein requirement of 0.5 g / kg body weight per day, of which more than 50% quality protein, the only way to maintain the physiological functions of various organs of the body. When the patient renal function in the early and mid-term damage stage, that glomerular filtration rate (GFR)> 25 ml / min or so, the protein intake per kilogram of body weight per day is about 0.6 grams is appropriate, and must make up the heat.

2, low salt low sodium:

Chronic renal failure patients with hypertension and edema, to limit the sodium and sodium-rich foods, if necessary, with a salt-free diet. When using diuretics or accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, should not be limited to sodium, but the amount should be based on the specific circumstances of eating sodium.

3, chronic renal failure, high potassium, potassium foods should be limited to avoid eating fruit juice, careful selection of vegetables and fruits.
4, the supply of high calcium low phosphorus diet:
In some patients with chronic renal failure, there may be elevated serum phosphorus and calcium decreased the phenomenon, and thus induced osteoporosis. The ideal diet should increase calcium content to reduce phosphorus content. Calcium-rich foods are milk, green leafy vegetables, sesame and so on. Cooking fish and lean meat, boiled about to fish out, and then stir-fried, can reduce the fish, meat phosphorus content.

5, to maintain water balance:

Water balance in patients with chronic renal failure is very important. Chronic renal failure is caused by how the amount of liquid into the amount to be determined according to discharge. Be sure to under the guidance of a doctor, the liquid supplement to prevent excessive water intake, discharge obstacles, and increased swelling.

6, vitamin supplements

Chronic renal failure must be added vitamin preparations, chronic renal failure due to the merger of patients with digestion and malnutrition, vitamin supplementation with food has been unable to meet the body's metabolic needs.

The above is about the regulation of renal failure diet introduced, the other is the need to pay attention to such diseases, diet care is actually the key, first, patients with renal failure to maintain a happy mood, optimistic attitude towards the disease, appropriate exercise, I believe can be effective Relieve the occurrence of the disease. At the same time, each of us should also develop a reasonable law of health habits, to maintain good health.

What are the hazards of renal cysts?

What is the harm of renal cysts? The biggest harm to renal cysts can lead to kidney failure, but not necessarily lead to, why? Experts point out: only timely and correct treatment of renal cysts will not lead to disease progression, Cysts common hazards you know!
What are the hazards of renal cysts?
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1, a single cyst no symptoms, only when it becomes very large, causing low back pain, there will be symptoms. Occurrence of a single cyst, sometimes you can touch the abdomen with a finger with a soft block. Kidney cysts are usually found for some other reason. Many kidney cyst patients do not know they have this disease. Renal cyst damage is the biggest cause of renal failure uremia.

2, renal cysts will bring a lot of danger to the body, the most obvious harm is a single kidney cyst is the only harm may develop into malignant cysts, but this rarely occurs, often in other diseases when the examination was found. As the cysts may have cancer cells.
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3, renal cysts are areas of traditional Chinese medicine Zhengjia. More by the congenital or acquired dystrophy, kidney damage, collaterals and renal blood flow caused by cohesion of visceral cyst disease. Renal cyst is the most common kidney abnormalities, can occur at any age, but more than 2/3 of patients found in the elderly over the age of 50, is considered to be aging changes. Kidney cysts are often found by chance, and many patients with systemic check out, the majority of renal cysts do not cause any symptoms. If the cause of lower back pain or urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria, hematuria and other urinary tract infections, the general cysts are larger, more than 5cm in diameter.


Renal cysts have a tumor? Early treatment of renal cysts found good results

Renal cyst is a relatively serious disease, the disease brings us the harm is very, very large, then what is the cause of this disease, I believe that many patients want to know, and today we are against this The problem is a brief introduction.

Experts point out that simple renal cysts usually at the time of the onset of the side of the solitary, but also multiple or small room was rarely occurred in bilateral and polycystic kidney disease, compared to the clinical manifestations and pathological manifestations are Is different.

Renal cyst symptoms
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(1) waist, abdominal discomfort or pain: pain is characterized by pain, dull pain, fixed on one or both sides, the lower part and lower back radiation;

(2) hematuria: can be expressed as microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria;

(3) abdominal mass: sometimes the main reason for treatment of patients, 60-80% can reach the swelling of the kidneys. The larger the kidney, the worse the renal function;

(4) proteinuria: the general amount of small, 24-hour urine will not exceed 2 grams, it will not occur nephrotic syndrome;

(5) Hypertension: cysts oppression of the kidney, resulting in renal ischemia, increased secretion of renin, causing high blood pressure.

Kidney cysts should pay attention to five points

Many diseases in daily life, there are many matters that need attention, do some daily care, which the adjuvant treatment of the disease, to help rehabilitation is of great significance, that kidney cyst disease should pay attention to what? Patients in their daily lives need to note the following these:

1, early detection and early treatment, the prognosis is good

In fact, many diseases, are as early as possible to find, early treatment, according to the relevant statistics found that renal cyst disease about 60 percent to 70 percent, genetic predisposition, and about equal opportunities for men and women . Therefore, in a family history of renal cyst family can have multiple people at the same time sick. Therefore, the family history of renal cysts staff, should do a census and regular follow-up for early detection and timely treatment

2, control of blood pressure
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According to the clinical survey of patients found that a large part of the renal cyst disease patients, renal dysfunction before there will be high blood pressure appears, we call the renal cyst has been the incidence of: the emergence of hypertension will accelerate the damage of renal function, Hypertension will be on the heart, cerebral vascular damage, renal cysts associated with cerebral hemorrhage caused by cerebral hemorrhage and other serious complications of stroke, so control of blood pressure to slow the deterioration of renal function, is essential.

3, to prevent complications

Attention to prevention of complications, which is renal cyst patients should pay attention to the problem. The common renal cyst disease, the more common complications are: high blood pressure, urinary tract infection, cyst rupture, which is induced and aggravated renal damage is an important factor, must be timely treatment and manipulation.

4, do not transition fatigue

Renal function in patients with problems in their daily lives, pay attention to adequate rest, do not overwork, whether mental or physical, we should pay attention to. Mental handicap, will affect the patient's brain thinking and command functions, such as the central command system failure, and the function of various organs will be greatly affected, the organ dysfunction, the occurrence of other diseases, will accelerate Kidney damage, deterioration, etc .; physical exertion due to physical labor after the metabolism of toxins produced too much, and damage to renal function can not be discharged in time, it will increase the progress of renal injury.

5, to prevent injury

Renal cyst disease, should pay attention to prevent trauma. With the continued swelling of the cyst, the disease has not been timely Longzhi, it will lead to increased intracystic cyst pressure, forcing the patient's kidneys are also increasing, intra-abdominal pressure increases. Such as any point a little trauma, such as sprains, bruises, falls, etc. will increase the abdominal pressure or trauma external force directly on the impact of swelling of the cyst, prompting a high internal pressure cyst rupture, bleeding, easily induced infection.