
Suitable for renal failure in patients with food

The most common causes of renal failure are: a sudden decrease in blood flow to the kidneys; serious damage to the kidneys caused by drugs, poisons and infections; and sudden urinary blockage that prevents urine from being discharged.
Eating Too Much Instant Noodles Will Cause Kidney Failure

Because most patients with renal function often have an infection or other serious illness before the onset of illness, doctors can determine if they are at risk for renal failure, and avoid drugs or other treatments that can cause kidney failure. Diseases that increase the risk of kidney failure include diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, obesity, and long-term chronic kidney disease. If you have these conditions, you must be careful to start new treatments and take new medications. Typically, aspirin and ibuprofen can damage the function of these patients with chronic kidney disease, thereby increasing their chance of developing into renal failure should be avoided.

Prevention of renal failure

If you are in hospital for surgical treatment or serious damage, the risk of renal failure at this time to further increase, the attending physician may take some preventive measures according to the situation, common are:

1) to maintain the balance of the amount of fluid, this time the amount of fluid are determined through careful calculation.

2) Your intake and discharge will be carefully measured records, weighing every day will be required.

3) Monitor blood pressure changes. Blood pressure is measured several times a day.

4) Blood tests are often performed to monitor changes in the electrolyte.

5) for food quantitative. Daily intake of sugar compounds at least about 100 grams, while the protein will be subject to certain restrictions.

6) careful medication. Each of your medication will be carefully compared and considered to ensure that will not increase the burden on the kidneys. Drugs containing magnesium ions are often discontinued. At the same time, the dose of medication will also be some adjustments, may be different from normal.
Can Kidney Failure Patents Eat Sea Cucumber

Food suitable for patients with renal failure are as follows:

1. staple food and legumes include: oats, sorghum rice, red bean, cornmeal, wheat starch, rice, millet and so on.

2. Meat and eggs include: chicken, white duck, duck meat, blue, grass carp, carp, crucian carp, black, frogs, milk, eggs and so on.

3. Vegetables include: mustard, lettuce, green pepper, bitter gourd, cabbage, melon, cucumber, eggplant, bamboo shoots, day lily, seaweed, Flammulina.

4. Fruits include: mountain stall, apple, mandarin draft, strawberry, watermelon, kiwi, grapes, pineapple, water chestnuts, peaches, etc.

How To Remove Kidney Cysts For PKD Patients

How to Remove Kidney Cysts for PKD Patients Are You Preoccupied With Growth Cysts? They damage your kidneys and they also cause back pain and other symptoms. How to remove kidney cysts for PKD patients? In this article, kidney experts from Shijiazhuang Hospital Kidney Disease will give you an answer.

Surgery is not a good choice for PKD patients.
Points to Remember for PKD

The classic treatment to remove cysts is to use surgery to drain the cysts. This can definitely relieve your back pain and prevent further kidney damage at an early stage. But once the large cysts are eliminated, the small ones will grow rapidly. And when your disease is at an advanced stage, it is unnecessary to remove cysts from the kidneys.

Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy helps to reduce the cysts and stop their growth.

In our hospital, Chinese micro-medicine osmotherapy is often used to treat PKD. This treatment involves infiltrating the micronized herbs in the damaged kidneys, with the help of reverse osmosis devices. It can inhibit the proliferation of renal epithelial cells and stop the secretion of coating cells to stop the growth of cysts. It can increase the permeability of the cyst wall and the pressure difference inside and outside the kidney cells so that the cyst fluid can be removed. As a result, the cysts become soft and weak. When the cysts are less than 3cm, they do not cause damage to your kidneys.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Facts

To get a better therapeutic effect, you can also use Toxin-withdrawal treatment first. This therapy uses various therapies of Chinese medicine to cleanse the waste of the blood and to draw the toxins from the kidney cells. And it can also improve blood circulation. In such a good blood environment, once you use drugs, their active ingredients can be transported into the damaged kidneys to speed up the recovery of the kidney. In general, after treatment for a few days, there will be improvement in your symptoms, such as swelling, high blood pressure, proteinuria, etc. After treatment for about a month, your kidney cysts will gradually become small and your renal function will be improved. To get a better therapeutic effect, it is necessary for you to keep on long term treatment.

If you have any questions, you can send an email to pkd-treatment@hotmail.com or leave a message under the text.

PKD should be treated in this way

A patient who is from Rwanda, had a history of more than 20 years of PKD, and the disease had not well controlled, even kidney failure produced. With the suggestion and persuade the family, he came to the hospital for treatment. Although he had come, he did not believe the treatment of Chinese medicine here much. In this case, our doctors have done a lot of work to help her set up her mind to get treatment.
PKD And Genetics

Due to long PKD, his kidney had become superior to normal, with the treatment he got shrunk effectively. And he was very happy with this result. What's more, he made her believe in the treatment of Chinese medicine.

Chinese medicine is good for promoting blood circulation, which prevents clotting, improving the immune system, which prevents inflammation, degrading fibrosis. Chinese medicine can shrink kidney cyst by inhibiting fluid cyst secreting and improving the permeability of cyst walls to let out fluids. In this case, renal cyst can be reduced very efficiently from the root.
Running & Polycystic Kidney Disease

With the treatment of Chinese medicine, it got much better: heart rate increased to 61 from 38, and renal function was improved very well.

If you have any questions about PKD, you can send an email topkd-treatment@hotmail.com


How to improve the prognosis of PKD by our natural treatment

How to improve the prognosis of PKD by our natural treatment Since polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, the prognosis of PKD is usually bad. Cysts in the kidneys make the kidney disease develops into kidney failure easily. Therefore, most patients want to know how to seek treatment to improve the prognosis of PKD.
How to Take Care of PKD Patients in Daily Life

When cysts in the kidneys enlarge at a certain level, dialysis is necessary to help patients play its role to eliminate toxic substances and additional fluids.

When dialysis is not good enough to recover kidney function, kidney transplantation should be applied to help patients improve prognosis. And kidney transplant plays a major role in improving the prognosis of PKD. But kidney transplant is not a complete cure of kidney disease. There is always a chance the transplanted kidney will reject tissue from your body. At this time, patients should look for another kidney to maintain life or back to dialysis.

Because of its good effects, more and more people are choosing traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease. And many kidney experts from Shijiazhuang Hospital renal disease put forward a series of natural treatments based on traditional Chinese medicine. Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy, Medicated bath, foot bath, hot compress therapy are the most common.

How to Do with Low Potassium Level for PKD Patients

Chinese micro-medicine osmotherapy is the best alternative treatment to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant. This is a treatment used outdoors. The Chinese herbs contained in this therapy are picked up form natural plants and then they are refined into powder and collected in two medication bags that are put in low back area of ​​patients. With the help of the osmotic machine, the active substances can come out and penetrate into kidney lesions directly. Chinese herbs can perform the functions of promoting blood circulation, extending blood vessels, promoting blood circulation, regulating blood pressure.

If you are interested in our natural treatment, you are welcome to send an email to pkd-treatment@hotmail.com or leave a message below.

Is the operation the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

In many countries, renal patients choose the operation as their main treatment for cysts in the kidneys. However, it is not the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease.
The Food Patient with PKD Should Avoid or Eat less

Is the operation the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)? First, the operation is only effective in large cysts and ineffective for small. Then it can not fundamentally cure polycystic kidney disease.

Second, when large cysts are eliminated, there are sufficient spaces for small growth, and they grow rapidly. As a result, a new operation is required.

Third, the operation is easy to cause infection. When the doctor eliminates large cysts in the kidneys, the cystic fluid may flow into the enterocoelia and cause peritonitis or other infections. All of these infections can cause aggravated damage to the kidney.

The Good and Right Food for PKD Patients with High Creatinine

In addition, many patients suffer from polycystic kidney only waiting until the cyst enlarge to some degree and this is because there is no effective treatment at all. In China, we are adopting Chinese drugs to shrink cysts in the kidneys. If you are interested in our treatment, please contact us.

PKD with enlarged kidney of 16 cm and 19 cm

PKD with enlarged kidney size of 16 cm and 19 cm As its name suggests, polycystic kidney disease can cause many fluid-filled cysts to develop in most of the kidneys. With the growth of these cysts, they will widen the structure of the kidneys abnormally. The size of the kidney 16 cm and 19 cm are much larger than the normal size. What patients should do?

Healthy kidneys

The kidneys consist of blood capillaries. Normally, blood vessels can provide enough oxygen for the blood and intrinsic kidney cells. At the same time, the kidneys can filter 90 ~ 125 ml / min / 1.73m2 of blood. For healthy adults, their kidneys are 3-4 cm thick, 5-6 cm wide and 10-12 cm long. The correct connection between the kidneys and blood circulation can guarantee the stable internal environment.

How does polycystic kidney disease affect the size of the kidneys?

Can PKD Patients Take Yogurt Daily

We mentioned above that PKD is characterized by kidney cysts. With time passing, PKD kidney cysts become larger and larger, and the size of the kidney is gradually developing. 16cm and 19cm are all superior to the length of the kidneys. That is, a large part of the functions of the renal tissues have been attacked.

How to reduce kidney size and treat PKD?

There are two important aspects to treating PKD and normalizing the size of the kidneys. They are decreasing kidney cysts and altering renal anoxia and ischemic state. To achieve these two goals, we recommend the following treatments.

Celery Is Good for Patients with PKD

On the other hand, some Chinese medicines that can drain the liquid from the bag and inhibit fluid secretion from the bag. Therefore, patients' kidney cysts may become smaller. On the other hand, phytotherapy that can expand the blood vessels all over the body as well as kidneys and increase the blood flow in the kidneys, which are taken to recover the dubious kidneys. Then, the size of the kidneys can be made small gradually.

If you also suffer from enlarged kidney size caused by PKD, you can send kidney size and complications information to pkd-treatmment@hotmail.com or in the form below. Kidney experts here may give you more suggestions in detail.


How can I naturally remove a proteinin with step 4 PKD

How can I naturally eliminate a protein with step 4 PKDI There are many patients with the condition, so how can we improve this condition? Okay, I'll introduce you to traditional Chinese medicines. If you have any questions, you can send us a courier at insufficiency-real@hotmail.com or leave your information below.

What is protein?

Currently, proteinin can be found in the urine of PKD patients and it learns like mosses and bubbles. But not all bubbles are caused by proteinuria eg bubbles could disappear within 24 hours, they will not cause urine proteinuria. In contrast, for PKD patients continura for a long period of time.PKD proteinine Micro-medicine chiniose osmotherapy

How does PKD Step 4 cause protein in the urine?

PKD is characterized by cysts on the growing kidneys. There is a filtration membrane in our glomeruli, which can filter extra waste and toxins out of the blood and can keep the nutrients that are needed for our body. In step 4 PKD, kidney cysts become more and more permanent, cysts oppress the kidney tissue and damage the filtration membrane of the glomeruli, which increase the permeability of the filtration. Kind of protein can be filtered and enter the urine, proteinuria then occurs.

How to treat proteinuria for patients with natural PKD?

In general, I think the method of treatment of proteinuria should fundamentally treat and it is a hereditary kidney disease, I recommend a remedial treatment.

Micro-medicine chiniosis osmotherapy is the most effective treatment for PKD patients that can help reduce complications and cysts. To go through external methods, effective drug permeable to the renal lesion and it can dilatate the blood vessels, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant viscosity, degradation of renal interstitial fibrosis. Increasingly better renal function, proteinuria will disappear naturally.
Chinese Medicine

If you need this therapy, you can come to the Shijiazhuang Nephropathy Hospital which is located in China. To find out more details, you can add my whatsapp 86 18330029204

Is it good to eat the apple for the patient with PKD

Is it good to eat the apple for the patient suffering from PKDEn China, we have always said that one day an apple, diseases away from me. It is good and pkd pateds can eat an apple? Indeed, there is no precise answer. It depends on your condition of the disease and your condition of the crops.

The Food Patient with PKD Should Avoid or Eat less

Dietary restriction in patients with polycystic kidney disease is severe. Before eating certain foods, you have to think again if they are good for your disease, so in everyday life, polycystic kidney patients must maintain a healthy diet. Now, let us see if an apple is beneficial for polycystic kidney disease patients?

In general, it is good for patients if they do not have any obvious symptoms like hypertension and diabetes.

-The apple contains carbohydrates, most of which are sugar. We all know that sugar is the main energy soucer. It can help evacuate toxins. The toxins of the crops may be correspondingly glycogenic of the liver in a crop. Then m enough sugar helps to protect the stings and maintain normal kidney function.
Should Patients with PKD Avoid Phosphorus

-The apple is rich in vitamin C and vitamin b1, to explode the toxins and protect the nonsense. It also increases immunity from disease.

-The apple can improve anemia, anemia is usually caused by the reduction of globules. Fortunately, the apple contains iron beaocoup, it can stimulate the formation of globules. So they say the apple is good for anemia.

-The apple can adjust constipation. Many patients suffering from pkd complain that they are dealing with constipation, which is seriously affecting their daily lives. The apple contains many fibers, for the regulation of intestinal function.

Moreover, apple also can reduce cholesterol and heart disease, and that it can lose weight and maintain health.

If you do not know if your condition of the disease is able to eat the apple, youru can send us your disease condition by mail to: pkd-treatment@hotmail.com


Why polycystic kidney disease returns in time

Why Polycystic Kidney Returns in a TimeWe all know that renal polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, if parents have this disease, their children's rate is getting this disease is more than another. So, do you know the cause of this disease? And why polycystic kidney disease will return?
How to Prolong Life for PKD Patients

Numerous studies show that polycystic kidney disease is caused by abnormal secretion or epithelial cell hyperplasia. Today, the current treatment is surgery with anti-inflammatory drugs, such as minimally invasive surgery or declogging of cyst surgery. The function of these operations is to rapidly reduce the cyst. But the narrowing of the cyst does not mean inhibition of epithelial cell activity, which is the main cause of frequent recurrence of a polycystic kidney disease.

Ms. Sarah, 45, is a patient with polycystic kidney disease. She ignored the disease early, resulting in progressively increased cysts, until she had back pain and renal malfunction. The first time at our hospital, Ms. Sarah's examination report showed that the kidney had a size twice as large as normal kidneys, as well as complications of several kidney stones. At the same time, creatinine also increased to 734 μmol / L. Her condition already has uremic stage, without effective treatment, she will rely on dialysis to maintain her life, and there will also be many potential dangers, such as rupture Of the cyst.
How to Solve Pain in PKD Patients

According to Ms. Sarah's condition, nephropathy experts use Chinese medicine to cure her illness. The function of traditional Chinese medicine is to improve blood circulation, elimination of toxin in the blood, absorption of cystic fluid, narrowing the cyst wall, this achieves the goal of treatment. After a month of hospitalization, its creatinine is reduced to 585μmI / L, it is not a rapid treatment but Chinese medicine can cure the disease at the origin.

Natural treatments for PKD.

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disorder, so there is no treatment for this type of kidney disease. Nevertheless, with the development of drugs, there are certain ways that can slow down its progression.
How Can PKD Patients with High Creatinine Level Improve Kidney Function

► Feeding
1. In general, people with kidney failure should maintain a low sodium diet and low in protein. Therefore, you should avoid the following foods: processed meat, canned vegetables, gherkins, beans, bean products, vinaigrette. Cranberry juice, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, fish and egg whites are all good choices.

2. Moreover, the consumption of liquid is also very important. Water is the most natural of our body. Taking water in a moderate way can help prevent Polycystic Kidney Disease patients from getting infections that is one of the common complications of PKD. Consult your doctor for the right amount of water.

3. Finally, you can take vitamin supplements. Vitamin B12 is useful for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease.
How to Help PKD Patients Who Have Creatinine 5.9 Avoid Dialysis

► Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been used for centuries. After 30 years of research and clinical practice, our experts have innovated several therapies that are for kidney disease. To sum up, our treatment is called "four + seven therapy", which include:

"Four" refers to four types of drugs:

1. A bottle of Mai-Kang Composition (MKM)

2. A decoction dose of traditional Chinese medicine

3. A package of medication for external application on Shenshu (an acupoint on the kidney region)

4. A pot of medical fluid for the foot bath

"Seven" refers to seven types of therapies:

1. Fuming or steaming

2. Medicated Bath

3. Therapeutic cycle

4. Acupuncture

5. Hot Compress

6. Foot Bath Therapy

7. Enema therapy

Our doctors will decide what treatment is good for the patients.

How do these therapies work?

You may find that the characteristic treatment includes both oral medications and external applications. These external applications are to widen the blood vessels in order to improve blood circulation. This can accelerate the absorption of oral medications. Effective ingredients can inhibit cystic fluid secretion. Meanwhile, improving blood circulation can help the kidneys to unload more waste and toxins.


How to prevent High BUN and Hematuria in PKD

How to Prevent High BUN and Hematuria in PKDPKD is a genetic disease. At the early stage, patients can live an asymptomatic normal life. However, when the disease progresses, a large number of symptoms and discomforts occur. How to prevent BUN hypertension and hematuria in PKD?

First, you need to know the specific causes of high BUN and hematuria in PKD. Then, responding preventive measures can be given.

Causes of high BUN and hematuria in PKD

How Is Hyperlipidemia Related to PKD

Results of high BUN of decline of renal function in PKD. Urea is the byproduct of the protein, and it is normally filtered on kidneys.However, in PKD, a large number of cysts that grow in both kidneys. As they grow, they will replace more and more nephrons. Nephrons are the functional units of the kidneys that can help filter out waste from the blood. The diseased kidneys fail to remove urea from the blood, thus leading to high BUN.

There are many small blood vessels on the cyst wall. If they cause pressure on the adjacent organs, the blood vessels may rupture. Blood enters the systemic circulation. Finally, it will be filtered on the body in the form of urine. As a general rule, hematuria lasts just one week. However, in case of infection, it will last longer and cause cause serious results.

How to prevent BUN hypertension and hematuria in PKD?

What Causes Low Potassium for PKD

The best way is to stop cysts from enlarging and renal function decline. However, there is no such way in conservative treatment for PKD.

Chinese micro-drug osmotherapy is an effective therapy for PKD. It can treat and prevent PKD hematuria and high BUN basically and effectively.

Osmotherapy is an external therapy of Chinese medicine free of adverse effects on the body. The effectiveness can shrink the big cysts and stop the small from widening completely. So, hematuria and high BUN will be avoided.

Can polycystic kidney disease (PKD) be effectively attenuated

Can polycystic kidney disease (PKD) be effectively attenuated Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease so it can not be attenuated effectively. Therefore, the traditional treatment for polycystic kidney disease are medications and surgical procedures to alleviate the symptoms. When it develops in renal failure, dialysis or renal transplantation is necessary. However, is this sufficient for PKD patients?

With the development of research, our experts find that one of the important factors of renal cyst growth is the extreme activity of epithelial cells lining cyst. Because of this, our treatment focuses on inhibiting the epithelial cells to secrete fluid. Years of clinical practice prove it to be right. Here is an example of success.
What Are The Factors That Can Cause Itchy Skins for PKD Patients

A patient from Rwanda has nearly 20 years of polycystic kidney disease. Dr. Li Zheng treat it with our "Four types of traditional Chinese medicines". After a month and a half of treatment, both swollen kidneys and large cysts are significantly reduced. We have calculated and about 610 ml of liquids are evacuated.

Kidney surgery and transplantation not the best way to treat polycystic kidney disease, and westerns drugs to inactivate epithelial cells are still undergoing research. According to our research and clinical practices, the best way for patients with polycystic kidney disease is TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine).
How High Blood Pressure Appears Because of Kidney Cysts

We also have innovative therapies, which are external applications used different parts of the body to detoxify the blood and improve kidney function.

If you are interested in our natural medicines or therapies, you can leave your email address below, and you can get our free answer within 24 hours. The online consultation is free.


Traditional Chinese medicine for patients with PKD

The patient comes from Jiangsu province; As we know, PKD is an inherited disease, his father and mother have this disease.
With time past and age, the belly is growing bigger, and sore back and so forth, because the cysts have grown big. He was visited a lot of hospital to treat his illness because no results. It is very sad, one day his daughter contacted my doctor on the Internet, and after a few days he decided to come to our hospital.
When he came to our hospital, our doctors and experts made precise inspection, and his right kidney is 261 * 136 * 105mm and the left kidney is 264 * 154 * 116mm; The maximum kidney size of the right kidney is 75 * 51mm and left is 91 * 66mm.
After the inspections, we know his condition and he diagnosed PKD; And then our medicines and experts formulated a complete treatment for him, called Toxins-Removal Treatment, including: Foot Bath, Maikang Mix, Medicine Bath and so on. Because the active ingredients of Chinese medicine can be transported into the morbid focus to accelerate blood microcirculation and increase the pressure inside and outside the cysts so that the cyst fluid can run off. As a result, kidney cysts decline naturally. In addition, certain therapies used in the treatment of Toxin-withdrawal may help inhibit abnormal proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells and secretion of lining cells. After days, its symptoms are gone, and maximal cyst of the right kidney is 74 * 56mm; Maximum left kidney cyst is 90 * 63mm. They are very happy, and said that: my body is getting better and better in our hospital, we wish that he can adhere to treat, so his disease condition can greatly improve to come.

PKD with enlarged kidney of 16 cm and 19 cm

PKD with enlarged kidney size of 16 cm and 19 cm As its name suggests, polycystic kidney disease can cause many fluid-filled cysts to develop in most of the kidneys. With the growth of these cysts, they will widen the structure of the kidneys abnormally. The size of the kidney 16 cm and 19 cm are much larger than the normal size. What patients should do?

Healthy kidneys

The kidneys consist of blood capillaries. Normally, blood vessels can provide enough oxygen for the blood and intrinsic kidney cells. At the same time, the kidneys can filter 90 ~ 125 ml / min / 1.73m2 of blood. For healthy adults, their kidneys are 3-4 cm thick, 5-6 cm wide and 10-12 cm long. The correct connection between the kidneys and blood circulation can guarantee the stable internal environment.

How does polycystic kidney disease affect the size of the kidneys?
We mentioned above that PKD is characterized by kidney cysts. With time passing, PKD kidney cysts become larger and larger, and the size of the kidney is gradually developing. 16cm and 19cm are all superior to the length of the kidneys. That is, a large part of the functions of the renal tissues have been attacked.

How to reduce kidney size and treat PKD?

There are two important aspects to treating PKD and normalizing the size of the kidneys. They are decreasing kidney cysts and altering renal anoxia and ischemic state. To achieve these two goals, we recommend the following treatments.

On the other hand, some Chinese medicines that can drain the liquid from the bag and inhibit fluid secretion from the bag. Therefore, patients' kidney cysts may become smaller. On the other hand, phytotherapy that can expand the blood vessels all over the body as well as kidneys and increase the blood flow in the kidneys, which are taken to recover the dubious kidneys. Then, the size of the kidneys can be made small gradually.

If you also suffer from enlarged kidney size caused by PKD, you can send kidney size and complications information t3o2 or in the below. Kidney experts here can give you more suggestions in detail.

Tag: PKD the symptom


Is there a treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

Polycystic kidney disease refers here to an inherited autosomal dominant disease. Unless modification of the causing gene, we have no method to eliminate the cysts completely. If you mean healing is to make these cysts disappear there is no treatment for polycystic kidney disease to change the gene is still in the experimental stage and the kidney transplant are not suitable for all patients but we can reduce Cysts, without affecting patients with polycystic kidney disease. In the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, we must control growth cysts, protect surviving nephrons and recover kidney functions.

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Treatment

Is there a treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)? Control of growth cysts

With genetic tare, urine tends to be blocked in the joint of kidney tubules and renal collecting tubes. As it is intermediate between its epithelial immunotherapy and its wall, blocked urine causes cysts and cyst epithelial immunotherapy secrete fluid in cysts. Cysts are growing. So, in order to control their size, we must promote fluids in the cysts flow and prevent epithelial immunotherapy from secreting a cyst fluid. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy has these functions. By external application, effective drugs will arrive at the lesion and inactivate Immunotherapy of cysts, to achieve the goal of restricting fluid secretion. If promoting blood circulation and increasing capillary permeability on the surface of cysts, it flows along the urine. The balance of these two courses keep the cysts in a benign situation as they never get bigger.

Protecting surviving nephrons and
How to Treat Kidney Failure for Patients with PKD

After the cysts are controlled, the cyst pressures are released and the blood flow in them become smooth, which will greatly improve the lack of blood and oxygen in the kidneys. It is Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy that clear the microcirculation and improve the indoor environment. Supplied with enough nutrients, the surviving nephrons can work well in the mild environment.

Recover surviving kidney function.

To recover kidney function, we must treat damaged kidney tissue. In fact, they are rooted in the destruction of inherent kidney immunotherapy, because these immunotherapy proliferate, making lack of nephrons oxygen and blood, which cause nephrosis of nephrons. In addition to providing a clean environment, Chinese Micro-Medicine Osmotherapy also offers essential substances for the body to repair lesions and enhance the immunity of patients with polycystic kidney disease.

Is the operation the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)

In many countries, renal patients choose the operation as their main treatment for cysts in the kidneys. However, it is not the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease.

How to Treat PKD with Hematuria

 Is the operation the best treatment for polycystic kidney disease (PKD)? First, the operation is only effective in large cysts and ineffective for small. Then it can not fundamentally cure polycystic kidney disease.

Second, when large cysts are eliminated, there are sufficient spaces for small growth, and they grow rapidly. As a result, a new operation is required.

Third, the operation is easy to cause infection. When the doctor eliminates large cysts in the kidneys, the cystic fluid may flow into the enterocoelia and cause peritonitis or other infections. All of these infections can cause aggravated damage to the kidney.
PKD With Enlarged Kidneys: How to Treat My Creatinine 5.0

In addition, many patients suffer from polycystic kidney only waiting until the cyst enlarge to some degree and this is because there is no effective treatment at all. In China, we are adopting Chinese drugs to shrink cysts in the kidneys. If you are interested in our treatment, please contact us.


Will be my future children affected by polycystic kidney disease (PKD) if I have

Will be my future children affected by polycystic kidney disease (PKD) if I have PKD is a common kidney disease in many countries. Because this disease is linked to genetics, patients with polycystic kidney disease should consider whether their future children will be affected by polycystic kidney disease.
How Can We Treat Kidney Failure with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

There are two types on polycystic kidney disease: autosomal recessive polycystic disease (PKRR) and autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (PKRAD). PKRR usually starts onsets and it is relatively rare. PKRAD is also called polycystic disease of adult kidneys, and it can be apprared at any age.

Because this disease is a hereditary disease, then the patient's children with PKD also have this disease. If you have PKD, you can try to check if your child will have this disease from the following explanation.

The first condition: If you have dominant autosomal polycystic kidney disease (PKRAD) but your partner health, then your child has a 50% chance of getting this disease.

The second condition: It is rare that the wife and husband have PKRAD. If this condition occurs, your child has a 75% chance of getting this condition.

The third condition: If you have autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (PKRR) but your partner health, in this case your child can not get this disease.

The final position: If the wife and husband have PKRR, in this case, unfortunately, the unborn child will have a 100% chance of getting this disease.

In summary: > Dialysis >

HIGHLY, we have known children with PKD are at high risk of contracting this genetic disease. To have a healthy child, patients should test and consult the doctor in detail when you are considering having a baby. In addition, if they want to get a baby safely, they must ensure their kidney disease and kidney complications have been very well controlled. If you have any other questions, you can contact us by email at hotmail renal insufficiency or add my whatsapp: 86 13933869279, we can formulate a treatment according to your requirement by Traditional Chinese Medicines (Chinese Micro-Medicine Osmotherapy, Foot Bath, Immunotherapeutic and etc.). Treatments do not have side effects and they fundamentally repair kidney function.

What is the cause of decreasing urine output for pkd patients

What is the cause for decreasing urine production for pkd patients What can be the cause of variations in urine production for renal cyst? This is a common question, please read on, we will give you the answer.
PKD With Enlarged Kidneys: How to Treat My Creatinine 5.0

One of the most important organs of the kidneys is to produce urine, so once the kidneys are injured, patients can experience urine output decreases. In kidney cyst, due to there are one or more cysts in the kidneys, these cysts increase in both number and size than time. Ultimately, these expanded cysts oppress the surrounding tissues and cells, causing the decline of kidney function, as well, patients show a decrease in urine flow.

According to the above analysis, we know the underlying cause is enlarged renal cyst. In Shijiazhuang hospital for kidney disease, we invented a particular method called hot compress therapy that can reduce cysts. During the course, patients just need to lie on the bed, and two contained medicine bags are placed on their backs. With the help of an osmosis device, the constituents can be effectively penetrated into Shenshu acupuncture points directly
How to Reduce High Creatinine level with Toxin-Removing Treatment

By retaining the secretion of cystic fluid, the decrease of the proliferation of internal cells, cyst kidneys will not develop. In this way, it is possible to shrink cysts. As long as kidney cysts are shrink, renal function will restore, therefore, changes in urine production can be relieved effectively. If you want to learn more details of the therapy, contact us by whats app: +86 18330029204
Besides, in our hospital, medicinal baths, Chinese oral medicine can help improve kidney function. These therapies are based on traditional Chinese medicine, and all medicine is of nature. Thus, these ways can not only improve renal function, but also that they can not cause side effects on the body.


Benefits of Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy to treat pkd

Benefits of Chinese micro-medicine osmotherapy to treat pkd In clinical surgery is the primary choice beam to

The Chinese micro-medicine osmotherapy to treat pkd, the essence of the drug can enter the cyst through the skin and produces a remarkable effect and avoid side effects

First, treatment can reduce the fluid secretion of the sac, it decreases the oppression of the renal tubule glomerulus, and renal blood vessels, promote blood circulation of the renal tissues. Improved the state of local hypoxia, which provide favorable environment for renal tissue repair.

Second, the essence of herbal medicine can stop fibrosis, which prevent kidney function from losing more. With the expansion of cysts, they oppress glomerulus, renal tubules, renal interstitium, and renal blood vessels, leading to ischemia and anoxia. Therefore, renal fibrosis begins. Chinese micro-medicine can stop the chain of deterioration of fibrosis, which protect the remaining renal function

Third, it provides kidney repair with substances, such as vitamins, micro-substances, organic acid and amino acid.

Fourth, this is the external use of herbal medicine, which avoids the side effect of taking a long time oral herbal medicine, such as gastrointestinal problems.

If you see this article and are related to kidney problems, please do not hesitate to contact us:

treat polycystic kidney disease. However, there are many disadvantages of surgery. Any surgery involves risks. It is perhaps not 100% sure of success, secondly, surgery simply removes the larger cysts, which can ease the oppression in the short period of time, however the elimination of the most Large cysts leave the space of the smallest growth, therefore, it relapses frequently.
www.pkdtreatment.com or contact our doctors online. We will do our best to help you. We sincerely hope that all patients with kidney disease can recover their health as soon as possible.

How To Remove Kidney Cysts For PKD Patients

How to Remove Kidney Cysts for PKD Patients Are You Preoccupied With Growth Cysts? They damage your kidneys and they also cause back pain and other symptoms. How to remove kidney cysts for PKD patients? In this article, kidney experts from Shijiazhuang Hospital Kidney Disease will give you an answer.

Surgery is not a good choice for PKD patients.

The classic treatment to remove cysts is to use surgery to drain the cysts. This can definitely relieve your back pain and prevent further kidney damage at an early stage. But once the large cysts are eliminated, the small ones will grow rapidly. And when your disease is at an advanced stage, it is unnecessary to remove cysts from the kidneys.

Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy helps to reduce the cysts and stop their growth.

In our hospital, Chinese micro-medicine osmotherapy is often used to treat PKD. This treatment involves infiltrating the micronized herbs in the damaged kidneys, with the help of reverse osmosis devices. It can inhibit the proliferation of renal epithelial cells and stop the secretion of coating cells to stop the growth of cysts. It can increase the permeability of the cyst wall and the pressure difference inside and outside the kidney cells so that the cyst fluid can be removed. As a result, the cysts become soft and weak. When the cysts are less than 3cm, they do not cause damage to your kidneys.

To get a better therapeutic effect, you can also use Toxin-withdrawal treatment first. This therapy uses various therapies of Chinese medicine to cleanse the waste of the blood and to draw the toxins from the kidney cells. And it can also improve blood circulation. In such a good blood environment, once you use drugs, their active ingredients can be transported into the damaged kidneys to speed up the recovery of the kidney. In general, after treatment for a few days, there will be improvement in your symptoms, such as swelling, high blood pressure, proteinuria, etc. After treatment for about a month, your kidney cysts will gradually become small and your renal function will be improved. To get a better therapeutic effect, it is necessary for you to keep on long term treatment.


How to remove the cysts of the kidneys for PKD patients

How to remove the kidney cysts for PKD patientsÊtes concern at the growth of cysts? They damage your kidneys and they also cause back pain and other symptoms. How to remove kidney cysts for PKD patients? In this article, experts from the kidney of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital give you an answer.
Surgery is not a good choice for PKD patients.
Traditional treatment for cyst removal is to use surgery to drain the cysts. This can permanently relieve back pain and prevent further kidney damage at an early stage. But once the large cysts are removed, little will grow rapidly. When your disease is at an advanced stage, it is unnecessary to remove the kidney cysts.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy helps reduce cysts and stop their growth.
In our hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is often used to treat PKD. This treatment involves infiltrating micronized herbs in damaged kidneys, with the help of reverse osmosis devices. It can inhibit the proliferation of kidney epithelial cells and stop the secretion of lining cells to stop the growth of cysts. It can increase the permeability of the wall of the cyst and the pressure difference inside and outside renal cell so that the cyst fluid can be removed. Therefore, cysts become soft and weak. When the cysts are less than 3cm, they do not cause damage to your kidneys.
To obtain a better therapeutic effect, you can also use processing-Toxin Removal first. This therapy uses various therapies of Chinese medicine to clean waste from the blood and draw toxins from the kidney cells. And it can also improve the blood circulation. In such an environment the hell, once you use drugs, their active ingredients can be transported in the kidney damaged to speed recovery of the kidney. In general, after the treatment a few days, there will be improvement in your symptoms, such as swelling, high blood pressure, proteinuria, etc. After treatment about a month, your renal cysts gradually become small and your kidney function improves. To obtain a better therapeutic effect, it is necessary for you to keep the long-term treatment.

How to reduce 5.2cm cysts in patients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) naturally

How to reduce 5.2cm cysts in patients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD) naturellement5.2cm cyst is very large for patients with polycystic kidney disease (PKD), which caused complications: Back Pain, Hypertension, hematuria, infection, the edema and etc. So how to reduce 5.2cm cysts in patients with polycystic kidney disease naturally?
In general, for many patients, surgery is the first choice, it is very fast to reduce cysts but it is not natural and better treatment. If a large cyst is removed by surgery, it will leave more space for the growth of small cysts. While your body may appear complications.
In China, our hospital - Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, nuos noveaux have a treatment to reduce cysts fundamentally and improve kidney function. This is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is very effective for patients with PKD, which is used Chinese herbs. Status of different kidney disease exgera different Chinese herbs. The drugs are proposed in micro medical powders to improve efficiency. The penetration of the electronic instrument can help medical micro powders arriving damaged kidneys. And the active ingredients of drugs can dilate blood vessels to improve blood circulation around cysts, accelerate blood circulation and to improve the permeability of the wall of the cyst. In this way, the cysts can reduce waste and toxins and can be removed in the crops. In fact, your high creatinine and BUN may be lowered.
foot bath is good for patients with PKD, if you are interested treatments, you can send an email to insuffisance-renal@hotmail.com or leave a message below or add my whatsapp 8613102899763. We can help you.


Can polycystic kidney disease (PKD) be effectively mitigated

Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease so it can not be mitigated effectively. Therefore, the traditional treatment for polycystic kidney disease are drugs and surgery to relieve symptoms. When it develops in renal failure, dialysis, or renal transplantation is necessary. However, is it enough for PKD patients?
With the development of research, our experts find that one of the important factors of renal cyst growth is the extreme activity of the epithelial cells lining the cyst. Therefore, our treatment focuses on inhibit epithelial cells to secrete fluid. Years of clinical practice demonstrate whether right. Here is an example of success.
A patient of Rwanda has nearly 20 years of polycystic kidney disease. Dr. Li Zheng treat with our "Four types of traditional Chinese medicine." After six weeks of treatment, both swollen kidneys and large cysts are reduced significantly. We calculated and about 610 ml of liquid is discharged.
Surgery and kidney transplantation there not the best way to treat polycystic kidney disease, and western medicines to inactivate the epithelial cells are still subjected to searches. Our research and clinical practice, the best way for patients with polycystic kidney disease is TCM (traditional Chinese medicine).
We also have innovative therapies, which are external applications used different parts of the body to detox the blood and improve kidney function.
If you are interested in our natural medicines or therapies, you can leave your email address below, and you can get our free response within 24 hours. The online consultation is free.
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Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effects

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a personalized therapy. Each herbal formula is only for a patient depends on the patient condition.

The remarkable features of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are as follows.

1. The effectiveness of the drug is increased. Because of the medicine micronized, the effective ingredient will be overwhelmed and the penetrability of the medicine will be improved. Therefore, the effective medicine ingredients will not wander to other organs, the medical effectiveness will not be wasted. When medicines penetrate into the kidneys, and their number will increase, which is conducive to the rapid infiltration. Use the same number of drugs, the effect will be doubled, and that is the reason for high efficiency.

2. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy acts directly on the kidney lesion sites to pass through the skin, blood and the meridian system of the back waist. It releases the ingredients of high efficiency of Chinese medicine and has a high concentration. He specializes in restoring damaged kidney tissues and targeting characteristics of renal lesion, removing the immune complex and necrotic tissue.

3. The drug active is strengthened. The effectiveness of micronized medicine is more easily absorbed by the human body and its effectiveness is given full play.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy decreases molecular weight, increase the solubility and enhance the penetration and affinity. With the help of osmotic instruments, micronized active drug can quickly and directly reach the renal lesion sites under a minute.

4. Repair kidney is strengthened. It focuses on the damaged glomerulus and not only suppresses the immune complex and repair the damaged tissue on the basement membrane, at the same time repairing the damaged basement membrane, but also activates the immune system of the human body, accelerates metabolism and repairs and changes the internal environment of the human body.

The drug is refined and micronized active. Therefore, the effective ingredients of the medicine will be quickly absorbed by the human body, then, the effect is evident in short time.

After treatment, patients can feel the immediate effects, such as sweat, warm, relaxed, hungry, etc. A week later, patients may experience long-term effects, they can see the effect of the quantity, color, flavor and turbidity of urine and sleep and appetite etc.

In all, the main function of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is tissue repair kidney damage, improve renal function, and provide an environment to grow for Immunothérapiede